Happy New Year to all and I hope 2025 is a good one for all our-hardworking Treasurers.
The collection of subs for 2025-2026 will have begun for those WIs who meet in January and so can I remind you that all monies should be at Cresswell House by March 31st. You did really well last year so I know you can do it!
Pooling of Fares. A little explantion to help …
There are two Pooling of Fares schemes as follows:
Northumberland Federation– the WI is charged 70p per member along with their subscriptions requested in the bill sent out in the recent mail. This is to cover travel claims for delegates who attend the Federation’s Annual Council Meeting which for the past few years has been at The Royal Grammar School, Newcastle. This amount, 70p, should accompany subs paid for ladies who join later in the subs year…paid for by WI.
National Federation – When the National Annual Meeting is held as an in-person event, the local Federations are able to claim for the delegates’ travel to the meeting, the cost of which is taken from the Pooling of Fares account held by National. In 2024 the amount charged to each WI was £16 and £32 to each Federation.However, for 2025 and 2026 the National Annual Meeting will be online only and, as you will see from the subscription fee bill NO Pooling of Fares has been charged. This was mentioned in the letter regarding subscriptions sent to all WI Treasurers by National Annual Meeting dated October 7th. 2024.
I hope this helps but get in touch if you have further queries.
I would urge you to attend the Treasurer’s workshop most of which applies to you. Rosie is running three.. March15th for beginners, April 5th for columns and financial statements and April 23rd is a refresher session. See Calendar on back of Newsletter for times.
I know there is a query over what to do when year end falls before all subs have been collected. Rosie produced a helpful explanation to help you with this dilemma. A copy of this will be included with your Secretary’s mailing. So make sure to ask her for it.
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