Lunch with the Chairman

Lunch with the Chairman

Over the past few years our Literary Lunches at Hexham Mart have been excellent and so well supported that we have decided it was time for more chances to dress up, meet friends and have a lovely lunch followed by an interesting/amusing talk. In addition to our usual...
Chairman’s Challenge

Chairman’s Challenge

What made you join the WI? What did you enjoy most, and did it make you want to try something new and if so, did you do it and find a new talent? Well, I would like you to create a letter to a new member to welcome them to the Federation. You might want to tell them...
Literary Lunch with Mari Hannah

Literary Lunch with Mari Hannah

We are delighted that Mari Hannah will be talking about her books at our Literary Lunch on Wednesday 5 October 2022 from 12:30 with a lunch at 1:00pm in the Banqueting Suite, Hexham Mart. There will be a bottle raffle and a three course lunch followed by a talk by...
Hexham WI’s Knitting Challenge

Hexham WI’s Knitting Challenge

In the spotlight this month is Warden in Hexham WI. They challenged themselves to knit as many hats as they could for the RVI’s Special Baby Care Unit, as well as blankets for donations and raffle prizes for Tynedale Hospice at Home. They exceeded their expectations...

Northumberland WI

t: 0191 217 0808

11/12 Brenkley Way
Blezard Business Park, Seaton Burn
Newcastle upon Tyne
NE13 6DS